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Inspirem Music Therapy HK
  • Writer's pictureEsther Wong

Blog #28 音樂心靈導航 Guided Imagery and Music

Updated: Mar 7, 2021

想像你進入一間很舒服, 柔柔光線點綴着的房間, 坐上一張搖搖櫈/或沙發椅上. 音樂治療師帶領着你利用音樂聆聽進入一個由你內心世界引導着天馬行空的意象空間. 要形容這個GIM 的經驗, 簡單來說就好像一個故事主角 (例如Elsa in Frozen, Moana, Kungfu Panda etc) 盼望生命有些改變, 勇於踏上旅程, 經歷和克服了風霜雨雪惡魔, 最終找到了寶藏, 找到了自己.

音樂心靈導航或音樂意象導航 (Bonny Method Guided Imagery and Music, 簡稱GIM) 是音樂治療其中一個方式, 利用精神動力心理治療理論作為基礎 (psychodynamic). 利用聆聽特定編排的古典音樂, 治療師引導着參加者進行一個想像發現旅程, 不同程度地探索內心深處, 從而讓參加者了解和認識自己, 明白內心需要, 讓身體放鬆、減壓、調節情緒、得著正面的力量、尋找應對困境的方法以及重建人生方向等治療目標。應用對象包括: 情緒障礙, 心理創傷, 身心受壓或自我認識人士.


  1. 聆聽參加者的簡短人生故事和心理狀況, 依照參加者的需要決定旅程的方向, 目標和使用的音樂.

  2. 放鬆練習: 引導參加者進入放鬆狀態 (non-ordinary state), 準備進入音樂聆聽之旅

  3. 音樂聆聽和引導意象體驗: 音樂治療師引導着參加者在音樂中隨意自由想像, 過程大約30-40分鐘

  4. 討論: 配合各種心理治療技巧鼓勵參加者用創意繪畫方式或文字或討論方式表達旅程的感受和反思.

GIM 是一個旅程, 最少八至十節為一個系列讓參加者能夠有足夠空間更有效地經歷和反思.

GIM 是一個透過比喻性的意象找回自己的旅程, 音樂令我們產生感覺或情感, 而這些感覺刺激大腦而產生不同種類的意象, 包括五官感覺, 回憶片段, 想法等等.

過程裏產生出來的意象反映着參加者的內心世界, 好像一個連接內外, 想法和感受和自我的橋樑. 大量文獻研究情感 (emotion) 和意象 (imagery) 的關係, 指出音樂, 情感和意象互相連接, 像一個前因後果 (cause and effect) 循環的關係-音樂引發情感, 情感引發意象, 意象又會引發情感.

音樂能夠迴響 (resonate) 和接觸一個人不同層面的內心深處, 每一次旅程也會引發大量對參加者富有意義和比喻成質的意象. 濃縮了關聯的記憶片段, 包含多層面的意思, 例如參加者的過去和現在的經歷以及對將來的想像, 以及參加者的性格, 想法, 情感也會以意象的方式呈現.

GIM 和其他音樂治療方式有什麼不同?

GIM 注重利用聆聽音樂和了解不同意像來協助參加者踏上自我發現的旅程. 是精神動力心理治療的一種 (psychodynamic psychotherapy), 注重理解參加者的潛意識 (unconscious process) 如何影響生活種種現況, 過去經歷可能影響現狀.

音樂治療師或許會用其他方式協助, 例如利用不同種類的音樂樂器進行互動創作, 歌曲創作等等達到不同目標.


GIM 是一個主要利用古典音樂的方式, 相比其他音樂類型, 古典音樂當中有豐富的音樂元素, 當中利用樂器編排, 節奏, 旋律令音樂產生不同起伏程度, 可以引發不同程度的情緒和意象. 治療師會因應參加者的需要而決定利用不同種類的樂曲, 有些情況也會用上非古典音樂的音樂.

Imagine you entered a very comfortable room with soft dim lights, seated on a gently rocking chair/or a reclinable sofa. With the music therapist guiding you to enter a space filled with imagery reflected from your inner world, a space to be you and understand who you are. To describe GIM in a nutshell, it’s like a hero (think Elsa in Frozen, Moana, Kungfu Panda etc) in a movie who longs for changes. Bravely stepped into an adventure, went through ups and downs, conquered and slay the monster, found the treasure, found himself/herself.

What is GIM?

Bonny Method Guided Imagery and Music, (GIM) is a psychodynamic music therapy approach, a self-discovery journey guided by the music therapist by listening to specifically designed classical music program. The journey facilitate exploration of the inner world, encourage reflection, develop insights and deeper understanding of oneself. Therapeutic goal such as facilitate relaxation, emotion regulation, receiving positive strength, finding solutions and rebuilding direction in life.

Typically an individual GIM session is around 1.5 hour and has four sections.

  1. Prelude: Brief verbal discussion on the client’s current life story.

  2. Relaxation induction: leading the client into a relaxed state, ready for the journey.

  3. Music listening and imagery: Specific music program is selected by the therapist, client is facilitated by music and music therapist to freely describe imagery/ memories or feelings as they emerge. The journey takes around 30-40mins.

  4. Postlude: The client is encouraged to reflect on the journey by using drawing or words or verbally discuss the journey and metaphors evoked that might be related to the client’s current life story.

GIM is a journey, a minimal of eight to ten session as a series is ideal to enable to client to experience and process fully and effectively.

GIM is a music psychotherapy intervention, using metaphors in the form of imagery to facilitate self-discovery. Music evoke feelings and emotions which elicit imagery (visual, body sensation, feelings, memories etc). They reflect the internal world of the client, like a bridge that connects the outer world and the inner world, as well as different parts of the self. There are many research showing the relationship between emotion and imagery, suggesting that music, emotions and imagery are interconnected, like a cause and effect cycle where music elicit emotions, emotions elicit imagery or vice versa.

Music has the ability to resonate and touch different depths of ourselves. Each journey will elicit numerous metaphoric imagery that is full of potential meanings to the participants. i.e. the participant’s past and present life experience, thoughts and relationship patterns, unresolved emotions towards specific events.

How is GIM different from other approaches of music therapy?

GIM uses a receptive music listening method and places an emphasis in understanding the imagery evoked in the process to facilitate the journey of self-discovery. It is a psychodynamic approach that focus on understanding the unconscious process presented in the client’s daily living, where the past might influences the present. Other music therapy approach such as improvisational music therapy is also a psychodynamic approach yet it is focus on using musical instruments and the music interaction between client and therapist. What kind of client is best suited for GIM?

Clients seeking for change, for deeper understanding of oneself, wanting to improve physical, mental, spiritual, psychological wellbeing.

Clients with mental health concern, such as depression and anxiety disorder, seeking for change.

What kind of music will be used and why?

GIM uses mainly western classical music (meaning music repertoire ranges from different period in the classical music history i.e. barque to classical to romantic to contemporary including instrumentals, vocal and orchestral music).

Compared to other popular music style, classical music has a rich and wide range of musical elements, the instrumentation, rhythm, melody and dynamic are able to create a wider spectrum of sound that can elicit a larger range of emotions and imagery. Music therapy will tailor the use of different pieces to cater to different needs of the client, and in some occasions non-classical music will also be used.

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