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Inspirem Music Therapy HK

夾音樂不應該只是音樂人的專利, 有否想過,音樂如LEGO,是用來玩的,而且是一班人玩的。夾樂圓是一個玩的空間, 連繫一班喜歡音樂的人,大家沒有譜,沒有固定玩樂器的方法,每次透過即興和合奏,用不同的樂器表逹自己,抒發內心情緒及想法,與小組一齊去創造大家的音樂世界。

我們會提供不同類型樂器包括: 電子琴, 結他, 低音結他, 夏威夷小結他, 拇指琴, 舌鼓, 鋼片琴木片琴, 非洲鼓友邦鼓、中東鼓、木箱鼓、小型敲擊樂器、還有其他奇形怪狀的樂器, 讓參加者可接觸和嘗試不同類型的樂器來表達自己。歡迎任何人一齊來 jam music! 參加者不需要任何音樂經驗。

時間:  星期四 7:30-8:45pm

Unleash your inner voices and find yourself through spontaneous musical expression! JAMSICAL offers anyone a space for playing, connecting a community of music lover to play together for self expression, creativity, relaxation, connections, support and friendships.

Instruments provided in the session include: Keyboard, Guitar, Acoustic Bass, Ukulele, Kalimba, Erhu, Balalaika, Mandolin, Tongue Drum, Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Metallophone, Handbells, Chime bars,  Boomwhackers and much more!

You’re more than welcomed to bring in any instruments from your own culture. 

Each session includes free improvisation, song based jamming, self-reflection, sharing and discussion. 

Absolutely anyone is welcomed, musician or non musician. Whether you have even touched a music instrument before or not, whether you have had musical training or not. No prior music experience required.

Musical instruments, snacks & drinks, fun, friendships and friendly support provided!

Time: Thursday 7:30-8:45PM

Sessions will be conducted in English or Cantonese (depending on the majority of attendees on the day)

Facilitated by Registered Music Therapist- Esther Wong

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