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Online Music Therapy

1) 網上音樂心靈導航 (GIM)
Online Guided Imagery & Music
網上音樂心靈導航, 參加者只需要一個寧靜的空間; 一個舒適的耳機和咪;一個穩定的互聯網連接, 透過視像軟件, 不分國家地域也能進行.
音樂心靈導航/音樂意象導航 (Bonny Method Guided Imagery and Music, 簡稱GIM) 是音樂治療其中一個方式, 利用精神動力心理治療理論作為基礎 (psychodynamic). 利用聆聽特定編排的古典音樂, 治療師引導着參加者進行一個想像發現旅程, 不同程度地探索內心深處, 從而讓參加者了解和認識自己, 明白內心需要, 讓身體放鬆、減壓、調節情緒、得著正面的力量、尋找應對困境的方法以及重建人生方向等治療目標。應用對象包括: 情緒障礙, 心理創傷, 身心受壓或自我認識人士.
聆聽參加者的簡短人生故事和心理狀況, 依照參加者的需要決定旅程的方向, 目標和使用的音樂.
放鬆練習: 引導參加者進入放鬆狀態 (non-ordinary state), 準備進入音樂聆聽之旅
音樂聆聽和引導意象體驗: 音樂治療師引導着參加者在音樂中隨意自由想像, 過程大約30-40分鐘
討論: 配合各種心理治療技巧鼓勵參加者用創意繪畫方式或文字或討論方式表達旅程的感受和反思.
GIM 是一個旅程, 最少八至十節為一個系列讓參加者能夠有足夠空間更有效地經歷和反思.
Our online Guided Imagery & Music service can provide sessions for user around the world regardless of location. Simple equipment required at home includes: computer/phone with stable internet connection, headphone/earphone with mic, a comfortable place that offers you privacy during the session.
Bonny Method Guided Imagery and Music, (GIM) is a psychodynamic music therapy approach, a self-discovery journey guided by the music therapist by listening to specifically designed classical music program. The journey facilitate exploration of the inner world, encourage reflection, develop insights and deeper understanding of oneself. Therapeutic goal such as facilitate relaxation, emotion regulation, receiving positive strength, finding solutions and rebuilding direction in life.
Target clients include those who are: seeking for change, for deeper understanding of oneself, wanting to improve physical, mental, spiritual, psychological wellbeing. Or clients with mental health concern, such as depression and anxiety disorder, seeking for change.
Typically an individual GIM session is around 1.5 hour and has four sections.
Prelude: Brief verbal discussion on the client’s current life story.
Relaxation induction: leading the client into a relaxed state, ready for the journey.
Music listening and imagery: Specific music program is selected by the therapist, client is facilitated by music and music therapist to freely describe imagery/ memories or feelings as they emerge. The journey takes around 30-40mins.
Postlude: The client is encouraged to reflect on the journey by using drawing or words or verbally discuss the journey and metaphors evoked that might be related to the client’s current life story.
GIM is a journey, a minimal of eight to ten session as a series is ideal to enable to client to experience and process fully and effectively.

2) 網上音樂治療-歌曲創作
Online Therapeutic Music Production/Song Writing
參加者不需要任何音樂知識和創作經驗, 只需要一個寧靜的空間; 一個舒適的耳機和咪; PC/Mac 電腦; 不需要任何軟件, 一個穩定的互聯網連接, 不分國家地域也能進行.
利用音樂創作過程- 由創作歌詞, 歌曲, 編曲, 錄音, 後期製作:
Let music be your voice! Music therapy sessions using music production/song writing as a tool to allow participants finding their own individual expression through lyrics or sound.
Participants are not required to have any prior knowledge or skills in music. Simple equipment required includes: computer/phone with stable internet connection, headphone/earphone with mic, a comfortable place that offers you privacy during the session.
Why is it therapeutic? Every music actions in a session has a purpose reaching beyond simply creating music. Therapeutic goals such as these below are considered.
Create opportunities for service users to experience mastery
Improving self-esteem and self-confidence through their own music creation
Empowers the service users to have a voice of their own
Self Expression and Emotional Expression
Stimulate the use of innate creativity

3) 網上音樂治療小組
Online Group Music Therapy
網上音樂治療是以個別或小組形式進行的音樂活動, 由註冊音樂治療師設計及帶領, 透過音樂讓參加者充分抒發內心情緒及想法, 並有助改善個人身體、 社交、 溝通、 情緒、 智力、 精神等等需要, 從而提高生活質素。 每一節音樂治療療程都為個別需要和治療目標而經過專業設計, 形式包括唱歌、音樂遊戲、即興彈奏、音樂創作、音樂聆聽、歌詞分析、歌詞創作、音樂放鬆練習、面談等。
我們為以下兒童、 青少年和成人提供音樂治療服務:
老人癡呆症 (腦退化症)
Music therapy is the professional use of music and its elements as an intervention by a registered music therapist. Through
musical interactions in an individual and group setting, helping clients to improve their physical, social, communicative,
emotional, intellectual, and spiritual health and wellbeing, thereby optimize an individual’s quality of life.
Each session is uniquely designed to meet the needs of the individual client. Therapist and client engage in a variety
of musical interaction such as Singing, Musical Games, Improvisation, Music Listening, Lyric Analysis, Song-Writing, Guided Imagery & Music, Music Relaxation as well as Verbal Discussion.
We provide music therapy service for Children, adolescents, and adults with:
Stress Relief
Anxiety Disorder
Emotional Disturbance
Intellectual Disabilities
Alzheimer's disease & Dementia
Brain Injuries
Hospitalized Patients

Online Music Therapy Testimonial
"雖然疫情影響大家不能出街, 但這個小組令我們可以連結其他參加者, 竟然可以一人幾個字, 大家一同合作, 透過歌詞寫出大家這段時間的心聲, 沒有想過自己也能作曲作詞!! "
"Esther 透過網上即興創作與大家互動, 還可以連結幾個院宿的朋友一同在Zoom 上互動, 大家透過音樂有些朋友竟然rap 起來, 有些跳起舞來, 雖然不能外出但也能和大家一同連結."
"I had 10 sessions of online GIM session with Esther, grateful the sessions can be done online, across the world! Esther guided me to use the many different imagery as metaphors to reflect on, she has helped me to uncover many thoughts and feelings that are affecting me for years yet I was unaware of. The session helped me to relax as well as allowing me space to discover more about myself."