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Inspirem Music Therapy HK

藝術治療並不是要創造好看或吸引人的東西,  而是容讓我們可以探索心靈深處之美、窺探內心衝突的一扇門。通過創作過程, 內心感受和想法得以化成看得見及觸摸得到的形態、讓大家去多體會理解自己。藝術本就是生活, 是一個旅程: 無論環境際遇如何我們都可以從容面對、 享受途中景色。


Art therapists use art-making and creative process that involves sensory channels and motor activities in the counseling process. Art has the ability to unlock emotional expression by facilitating non-verbal as well as verbal communication utilizing kinesthetic, sensory, perceptual and symbolic modes of communication.


Art therapy works well with people of all ages who may be facing mental health and medical challenges, developmental disadvantages, underprivileged circumstances as well as individuals seeking creative and emotional growth to enhance holistic well-being.

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