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“音樂治療是運用音樂以及音樂元素, 施行於醫療, 敎育, 日常生活埸所的介入療程, 目的是為了提高個人, 團體, 家庭或者社區居民的生活質素, 改善其身體, 社交, 溝通, 情緒, 智力, 精神等方面的健康和幸福感. “ (WFMT, 2011)


音樂治療師能幫助兒童和成人達到各種不同的治療目標, 其中包括: 提高社交技能、 表達情感、情緒, 肌肉鬆弛, 增加自信、 提高大/小肌身體肌能之運用,促進放鬆,應對損失,改善專注力等.


每一節的音樂治療會因個別需要和治療目標而設計, 形式包括唱歌、音樂遊戲、即興演奏、音樂創作、音樂聆聽、歌曲分析、音樂放鬆練習、歌曲創作、口頭討論等


兒童、 青少年和成人. 包括心理健康的需要, 住院患者, 身體殘疾, 自閉症, 藥物濫用問題,腦外傷,急性和慢性疼痛.

Music Therapy & Mental Health

Music therapy is recognised as an effective psychological intervention in the care of children and adults with mental illness. It can play a valuable role in helping minimise the trauma and disruption often associatedwith hospitalisation, and can have a positive impact on negative symptoms experienced with a mental health illness, such as motivation, social withdrawal and diminished affective experience and responsiveness.

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Music Therapy & Adolesence

Adolescence can be a difficult time involving the establishment of identity, morality and beliefs, development of sexuality and integration into society. Music therapy offers a safe, non- threatening space for adolescents to address personal and wider societal issues through a musical and verbal dialogue and to use their relationship with the music and with the therapist to help address their transition from childhood to adulthood. 

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Music Therapy & Autism

Many professionals refer to a triad of impairments in autism and music therapy can offer the following benefits.
Social interaction: Music therapy is based on forming a relationship between client and therapist. This can be a way to explore the idea of relationship in a very safe place.

Communication: Music provides an additional form of communication. The therapist attends closely to, and responds to, the client in a way that encourages further communication.
Imagination: The use of music encourages the clients to engage in a creative, imaginative process, with the support of the therapist. They can often move away from a ritualistic use of instruments to a more flexible, creative use. This can also lead to the development of less rigid thought and behaviour patterns.

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Music Therapy & Learning Disabilities

Music therapy supports the four guiding principles from Valuing People (2001) giving attention to the areas of rights, independent living, control and inclusion.

People with a learning disability may find it harder than some people to think things through or express themselves.

Music therapy can help with:

- developing a clearer sense of identity and autonomy;

- increasing self-esteem and confidence;

- encouraginggreaterintegration with other people and the community;

- increasing skills and abilities in communication and interaction with others, thereby reducing the need to use behaviour as a way to communicate distress or frustration;

- facilitating emotional supporting the expression of difficult feelings and emotions; personal and development by

- increasing the ability to reflect on, and process feelings.

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Inspirem Music Therapy HK

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